
Definition of messages exchanged by the researcher and the nodes



ApprovalReply dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes the TrainingPlan approval reply (acknoledge) from node to researcher.


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

Id of the researcher that will receive the reply

node_id str

Node id that replys the request

status int

status code received after uploading the training plan (usually HTTP status)

command str

Reply command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
message instance-attribute
message: str
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
status instance-attribute
status: int
success instance-attribute
success: bool

ApprovalRequest dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes the TrainingPlan approval request from researcher to node.


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

id of the researcher that sends the request

description str

description of the training plan

training_plan_url str

URL where TrainingPlan is available

command str

request command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
description instance-attribute
description: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
training_plan instance-attribute
training_plan: str

ErrorMessage dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes an error message sent by the node.


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

ID of the researcher that receives the error message

node_id str

ID of the node that sends error message

errnum str

Error ID/Number

extra_msg str

Additional message regarding the error

command str

Reply command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
errnum instance-attribute
errnum: str
extra_msg instance-attribute
extra_msg: str
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str

FeedbackMessage dataclass

Bases: ProtoSerializableMessage, RequiresProtocolVersion


log class-attribute instance-attribute
log: Optional[Log] = None
researcher_id class-attribute instance-attribute
researcher_id: Optional[str] = None
scalar class-attribute instance-attribute
scalar: Optional[Scalar] = None

ListReply dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

This class describes a list reply message sent by the node that includes list of datasets. It is a reply for ListRequest message from the researcher.


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

Id of the researcher that sends the request

succes str

True if the node process the request as expected, false if any exception occurs

databases list

List of datasets

node_id str

Node id that replys the request

count int

Number of datasets

command str

Reply command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
count instance-attribute
count: int
databases instance-attribute
databases: list
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
success instance-attribute
success: bool

ListRequest dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a list request message sent by the researcher to nodes in order to list datasets belonging to each node.


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

Id of the researcher that sends the request

command str

Request command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str

Log dataclass

Bases: ProtoSerializableMessage

Describes the message type for log coming from node to researcher


level instance-attribute
level: str
msg instance-attribute
msg: str
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str


Bases: object

Base class for all fedbiomed messages providing all methods to access the messages

The subclasses of this class will be pure data containers (no provided functions)


fields classmethod

Get dataclass fields

Source code in fedbiomed/common/
def fields(cls):
    """Get dataclass fields"""
    return list(cls.__dataclass_fields__.keys())
from_proto classmethod

Converts given protobuf to python Dict

Source code in fedbiomed/common/
def from_proto(
    proto: ProtobufMessage
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Converts given protobuf to python Dict"""

    dict_ = {}
    one_ofs = proto.DESCRIPTOR.oneofs_by_name
    for field in proto.DESCRIPTOR.fields:

        one_of_field = False
        for one_of, _ in one_ofs.items():
            if == proto.WhichOneof(one_of):
                one_of_field = True

        # If the field is oneof and options are in message type
        if one_of_field and field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE:

            field_ = cls.__dataclass_fields__[]
            args = get_args(field_.type)

            # Make sure oneof message is typed as Optional
            if not args:
                raise FedbiomedMessageError(
                    f"Please make sure the field '{}' in dataclass '{cls.__name__}' "
                    "is typed as Optional[<dataclass>]. The field that are typed as `oneof` "
                    "in proto file should be typed as Optional in python dataclass"

            if not hasattr(args[0], "__PROTO_TYPE__"):
                raise FedbiomedMessageError(f"Dataclass {args[0]} should have attribute '__PROTO_TYPE__'")

                { args[0].from_proto(getattr(proto,}

        # Detects the types that are declared as `optional`
        # NOTE: In proto3 all fields are labeled as `LABEL_OPTIONAL` by default.
        # However, if the field is labeled as `optional` explicitly, it will have
        # presence, otherwise, `has_presence` returns False
        elif field.has_presence and field.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_OPTIONAL:

            # If proto has the field it means that the value is not None
            if proto.HasField(
                dict_.update({ getattr(proto,})

        elif field.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED:

            if field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE:
                dict_.update({ dict(getattr(proto,})
                dict_.update({ list(getattr(proto,})

            dict_.update({ getattr(proto,})

    return cls(**dict_)

Returns pairs (Message class attributes name, attributes values) into a dictionary


Type Description
Dict[str, Any]

Message as dictionary

Source code in fedbiomed/common/
def get_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns pairs (Message class attributes name, attributes values) into a dictionary

        Message as dictionary
    return self.__dict__

Get the value of a given param


Name Type Description Default
param str

name of the param

Source code in fedbiomed/common/
def get_param(self, param: str):
    """Get the value of a given param

        param: name of the param
    return getattr(self, param)

Converts recursively python dataclass to gRPC proto

Source code in fedbiomed/common/
def to_proto(self):
    """Converts recursively python dataclass to gRPC proto"""

    proto_dict = {}
    for key, _ in self.__dataclass_fields__.items():
        param = self.get_param(key)
        if hasattr(param, '__PROTO_TYPE__'):
            proto_dict.update({key: self.get_param(key).to_proto()})
            proto_dict.update({key: self.get_param(key)})

    return self.__PROTO_TYPE__(**proto_dict)


Pack message contents into the appropriate Message class.


format_incoming_message classmethod

Format a dictionary representing an incoming message into the appropriate Message class.

Packs the input into the appropriate Message class representing an incoming message. The type of Message class is inferred from the command key in the input dictionary. This function also validates:

  • the legacy of the message
  • the structure of the received message


Name Type Description

the dictionary of key-value pairs extracted from the received message.


Type Description

if 'command' field is not present in params


if the component is not allowed to receive the message


Type Description

The received message formatted as an instance of the appropriate Message class

Source code in fedbiomed/common/
def format_incoming_message(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Message:
    """Format a dictionary representing an incoming message into the appropriate Message class.

    Packs the input into the appropriate Message class representing an incoming message.
    The type of Message class is inferred from the `command` key in the input dictionary.
    This function also validates:

    - the legacy of the message
    - the structure of the received message

        params: the dictionary of key-value pairs extracted from the received message.

        FedbiomedMessageError: if 'command' field is not present in `params`
        FedbiomedMessageError: if the component is not allowed to receive the message

        The received message formatted as an instance of the appropriate Message class
    message_type = params['command']
    MessageFactory._validate_message_type_or_raise(message_type, cls.INCOMING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP)
    return cls.INCOMING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP[message_type](**params)
format_outgoing_message classmethod

Format a dictionary representing an outgoing message into the appropriate Message class.

Packs the input into the appropriate Message class representing an outbound message. The type of Message class is inferred from the command key in the input dictionary. This function also validates:

  • the legacy of the message
  • the structure of the received message


Name Type Description

the dictionary of key-value pairs to be packed into the outgoing message.


Type Description

if 'command' field is not present in params


if the component is not allowed to send the message


Type Description

The outbound message formatted as an instance of the appropriate Message class

Source code in fedbiomed/common/
def format_outgoing_message(cls, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Message:
    """Format a dictionary representing an outgoing message into the appropriate Message class.

    Packs the input into the appropriate Message class representing an outbound message.
    The type of Message class is inferred from the `command` key in the input dictionary.
    This function also validates:

    - the legacy of the message
    - the structure of the received message

        params: the dictionary of key-value pairs to be packed into the outgoing message.

        FedbiomedMessageError: if 'command' field is not present in `params`
        FedbiomedMessageError: if the component is not allowed to send the message

        The outbound message formatted as an instance of the appropriate Message class

    message_type = params['command']
    MessageFactory._validate_message_type_or_raise(message_type, cls.OUTGOING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP)
    params['protocol_version'] = str(__messaging_protocol_version__)  # inject procotol version only in outgoing msg
    return cls.OUTGOING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP[message_type](**params)


Bases: MessageFactory

Specializes MessageFactory for Node.

Node send replies and receive requests.


INCOMING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP class-attribute instance-attribute
INCOMING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP = {'train': TrainRequest, 'search': SearchRequest, 'ping': PingRequest, 'list': ListRequest, 'training-plan-status': TrainingPlanStatusRequest, 'approval': ApprovalRequest, 'secagg': SecaggRequest, 'secagg-delete': SecaggDeleteRequest}
OUTGOING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP class-attribute instance-attribute
OUTGOING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP = {'train': TrainReply, 'search': SearchReply, 'pong': PingReply, 'error': ErrorMessage, 'add_scalar': Scalar, 'list': ListReply, 'training-plan-status': TrainingPlanStatusReply, 'approval': ApprovalReply, 'secagg': SecaggReply, 'secagg-delete': SecaggDeleteReply}

PingReply dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

This class describes a ping message sent by the node.


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

Id of the researcher that will receive the reply

node_id str

Node id that replys the request

succes str

True if the node process the request as expected, false if any exception occurs

command str

Reply command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
success instance-attribute
success: bool

PingRequest dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a ping message sent by the researcher


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

Id of the researcher that send ping request

command str

Request command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str

ProtoSerializableMessage dataclass

Bases: Message

RequestReply dataclass

Bases: Message

Common attribute for Request and Reply Message


request_id class-attribute instance-attribute
request_id: Optional[str] = None

RequiresProtocolVersion dataclass

Mixin class for messages that must be endowed with a version field.


Name Type Description
protocol_version str

version of the messaging protocol used


protocol_version class-attribute instance-attribute
protocol_version: str = str(__messaging_protocol_version__)


Bases: MessageFactory

Specializes MessageFactory for Researcher.

Researchers send requests and receive replies.


INCOMING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP class-attribute instance-attribute
INCOMING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP = {'train': TrainReply, 'search': SearchReply, 'pong': PingReply, 'error': ErrorMessage, 'list': ListReply, 'add_scalar': Scalar, 'training-plan-status': TrainingPlanStatusReply, 'approval': ApprovalReply, 'secagg': SecaggReply, 'secagg-delete': SecaggDeleteReply}
OUTGOING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP class-attribute instance-attribute
OUTGOING_MESSAGE_TYPE_TO_CLASS_MAP = {'train': TrainRequest, 'search': SearchRequest, 'ping': PingRequest, 'list': ListRequest, 'training-plan-status': TrainingPlanStatusRequest, 'approval': ApprovalRequest, 'secagg': SecaggRequest, 'secagg-delete': SecaggDeleteRequest}

Scalar dataclass

Bases: ProtoSerializableMessage

Describes a add_scalar message sent by the node.


Name Type Description

ID of the researcher that receives the reply

job_id str

ID of the Job that is sent by researcher

train bool

Declares whether scalar value is for training

test bool

Declares whether scalar value is for validation

test_on_local_updates bool

Declares whether validation is performed over locally updated parameters

test_on_global_updates bool

Declares whether validation is performed over aggregated parameters

metric dict

Evaluation metroc

epoch Optional[int]

Scalar is received at

total_samples int

Number of all samples in dataset

batch_samples int

Number of samples in batch

num_batches int

Number of batches in single epoch

iteration int

Scalar is received at


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


batch_samples instance-attribute
batch_samples: int
epoch class-attribute instance-attribute
epoch: Optional[int] = None
iteration instance-attribute
iteration: int
job_id instance-attribute
job_id: str
metric instance-attribute
metric: dict
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str
num_batches instance-attribute
num_batches: int
num_samples_trained class-attribute instance-attribute
num_samples_trained: Optional[int] = None
test instance-attribute
test: bool
test_on_global_updates instance-attribute
test_on_global_updates: bool
test_on_local_updates instance-attribute
test_on_local_updates: bool
total_samples instance-attribute
total_samples: int
train instance-attribute
train: bool

SearchReply dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a search message sent by the node


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

Id of the researcher that sends the request

succes str

True if the node process the request as expected, false if any exception occurs

databases list

List of datasets

node_id str

Node id that replys the request

count int

Number of datasets

command str

Reply command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
count instance-attribute
count: int
databases instance-attribute
databases: list
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
success instance-attribute
success: bool

SearchRequest dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a search message sent by the researcher.


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

ID of the researcher that sends the request

tags list

Tags for search request

command str

Request command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
tags instance-attribute
tags: list

SecaggDeleteReply dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a secagg context element delete reply message sent by the node


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

ID of the researcher that requests deletion

secagg_id str

ID of secagg context element that is sent by researcher

success bool

True if the node process the request as expected, false if any exception occurs

node_id str

Node id that replies to the request

msg str

Custom message

command str

Reply command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
msg instance-attribute
msg: str
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
secagg_id instance-attribute
secagg_id: str
success instance-attribute
success: bool

SecaggDeleteRequest dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a secagg context element delete request message sent by the researcher


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

ID of the researcher that requests deletion

secagg_id str

ID of secagg context element that is sent by researcher

element int

Type of secagg context element

job_id Optional[str]

Id of the Job to which this secagg context element is attached

command str

Request command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
element instance-attribute
element: int
job_id instance-attribute
job_id: Optional[str]
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
secagg_id instance-attribute
secagg_id: str

SecaggReply dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a secagg context element setup reply message sent by the node


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

ID of the researcher that requests setup

secagg_id str

ID of secagg context element that is sent by researcher

success bool

True if the node process the request as expected, false if any exception occurs

node_id str

Node id that replies to the request

msg str

Custom message

command str

Reply command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
msg instance-attribute
msg: str
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
secagg_id instance-attribute
secagg_id: str
success instance-attribute
success: bool

SecaggRequest dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a secagg context element setup request message sent by the researcher


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

ID of the researcher that requests setup

secagg_id str

ID of secagg context element that is sent by researcher

element int

Type of secagg context element

job_id Optional[str]

Id of the Job to which this secagg context element is attached

parties list

List of parties participating to the secagg context element setup

command str

Request command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
element instance-attribute
element: int
job_id instance-attribute
job_id: Optional[str]
parties instance-attribute
parties: list
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
secagg_id instance-attribute
secagg_id: str

TaskRequest dataclass

Bases: ProtoSerializableMessage, RequiresProtocolVersion

Task request message from node to researcher


node instance-attribute
node: str

TaskResponse dataclass

Bases: ProtoSerializableMessage

Response for task request


bytes_ instance-attribute
bytes_: bytes
iteration instance-attribute
iteration: int
size instance-attribute
size: int

TaskResult dataclass

Bases: ProtoSerializableMessage

Response for task request


bytes_ instance-attribute
bytes_: bytes
iteration instance-attribute
iteration: int
size instance-attribute
size: int

TrainReply dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a train message sent by the node.


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

Id of the researcher that receives the reply

job_id str

Id of the Job that is sent by researcher

success bool

True if the node process the request as expected, false if any exception occurs

node_id str

Node id that replies the request

dataset_id str

id of the dataset that is used for training

params_url str

URL of parameters uploaded by node

timing dict

Timing statistics

msg str

Custom message

command str

Reply command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
dataset_id instance-attribute
dataset_id: str
encrypted class-attribute instance-attribute
encrypted: bool = False
encryption_factor class-attribute instance-attribute
encryption_factor: Optional[List] = None
job_id instance-attribute
job_id: str
msg instance-attribute
msg: str
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str
optim_aux_var class-attribute instance-attribute
optim_aux_var: Optional[Dict] = None
optimizer_args class-attribute instance-attribute
optimizer_args: Optional[Dict] = None
params class-attribute instance-attribute
params: Optional[Union[Dict, List]] = None
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
sample_size class-attribute instance-attribute
sample_size: Optional[int] = None
state_id class-attribute instance-attribute
state_id: Optional[str] = None
success instance-attribute
success: bool
timing instance-attribute
timing: dict

TrainRequest dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a train message sent by the researcher


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

ID of the researcher that requests training

job_id str

Id of the Job that is sent by researcher

training_args dict

Arguments for training routine

dataset_id str

id of the dataset that is used for training

training bool

Declares whether training will be performed

model_args dict

Arguments to initialize training plan class

training_plan_url dict

URL where TrainingPlan is available

training_plan_class str

Class name of the training plan

command str

Reply command string

aggregator_args Dict


aux_var_urls Dict

Optional list of URLs where Optimizer auxiliary variables files are available


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


aggregator_args instance-attribute
aggregator_args: Dict
aux_vars class-attribute instance-attribute
aux_vars: Optional[list] = None
command instance-attribute
command: str
dataset_id instance-attribute
dataset_id: str
job_id instance-attribute
job_id: str
model_args instance-attribute
model_args: dict
params instance-attribute
params: dict
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
round instance-attribute
round: int
secagg_biprime_id class-attribute instance-attribute
secagg_biprime_id: Optional[str] = None
secagg_clipping_range class-attribute instance-attribute
secagg_clipping_range: Optional[int] = None
secagg_random class-attribute instance-attribute
secagg_random: Optional[float] = None
secagg_servkey_id class-attribute instance-attribute
secagg_servkey_id: Optional[str] = None
state_id instance-attribute
state_id: Optional[str]
training instance-attribute
training: bool
training_args instance-attribute
training_args: dict
training_plan instance-attribute
training_plan: str
training_plan_class instance-attribute
training_plan_class: str

TrainingPlanStatusReply dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a training plan approve status check message sent by the node


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

Id of the researcher that sends the request

node_id str

Node id that replies the request

job_id str

job id related to the experiment

success bool

True if the node process the request as expected, false if any exception occurs


Approval mode for node. True, if training plan approval is enabled/required in the node for training.


True, if the requested training plan is one of the approved training plan by the node

msg str

Message from node based on state of the reply

training_plan_url str

The training plan that has been checked for approval

command str

Reply command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


approval_obligation instance-attribute
approval_obligation: bool
command instance-attribute
command: str
job_id instance-attribute
job_id: str
msg instance-attribute
msg: str
node_id instance-attribute
node_id: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
status instance-attribute
status: str
success instance-attribute
success: bool
training_plan instance-attribute
training_plan: str

TrainingPlanStatusRequest dataclass

Bases: RequestReply, RequiresProtocolVersion

Describes a training plan approve status check message sent by the researcher.


Name Type Description
researcher_id str

Id of the researcher that sends the request

job_id str

Job id related to the experiment.

training_plan_url str

The training plan that is going to be checked for approval

command str

Request command string


Type Description

triggered if message's fields validation failed


command instance-attribute
command: str
job_id instance-attribute
job_id: str
researcher_id instance-attribute
researcher_id: str
training_plan instance-attribute
training_plan: str




Encapsulates the init() method of dataclass in order to transform the exceptions sent by the dataclass (TypeError) into our own exception (FedbiomedMessageError)


Name Type Description Default
cls Callable

Dataclass to validate

Source code in fedbiomed/common/
def catch_dataclass_exception(cls: Callable):
    """Encapsulates the __init__() method of dataclass in order to transform the exceptions sent
    by the dataclass (TypeError) into our own exception (FedbiomedMessageError)

        cls: Dataclass to validate

    def __cde_init__(self: Any, *args: list, **kwargs: dict):
        """This is the __init__() replacement.

        Its purpose is to catch the TypeError created by the __init__
        method of the @dataclass decorator and replace this exception by  FedbiomedMessageError

          FedbiomedMessageError if number/type of arguments is wrong

            self.__class__.__dict__['__initial_init__'](self, *args, **kwargs)

        except TypeError as e:
            # this is the error raised by dataclass if number of parameter is wrong
            _msg = ErrorNumbers.FB601.value + ": bad number of parameters: " + str(e)
            raise FedbiomedMessageError(_msg)

    def wrap(cls: Callable):
        """ Wrapper to the class given as parameter

        Class wrapping should keep some attributes (__doc__, etc) of the initial class or the API documentation tools
        will be mistaken

        cls.__initial_init__ = cls.__init__
        setattr(cls, "__init__", __cde_init__)

        return cls

    return wrap(cls)