Configuring Development Environment

This article is written to guide developers to create development environment. This guide can also be used to build Fed-BioMed software from its source.

This article will guide you to:

  • Clone Fed-BioMed source repository.
  • Setup a recommended tool to manage different Python versions.
  • Setup some optional tools to manage isolated python environments such as conda and virtualenv.
  • Setup pdm to manage dependencies and build operations, and it usage.

Clone the repository

The first step is to clone the repository please go to (Fed-BioMed GitHub Repository)[] and clone it your local environment.

git clone <path-to-clone>
cd <path-to-clone>

Compatible Python version

Before you start using Fed-BioMed or developing on Fed-BioMed please make sure that required Python version is installed on your machine. Please go to pyproject.toml file located in the root of Fed-BioMed clone, and check required Python version interval.

Tool for different Python version

You can use the tool pyenv to be able to install specific Python versions into your local environment

pyenv install 3.10
pyenv global 3.10

The code above will install latest Python 3.10, and activate this version globally for your machine.

Use a virtual environments to manage dependencies

Using virtual environments will allow you to isolate your Fed-BioMed development environment from your other projects. There, you have of course several options. You can use build-in python venv or conda or any other compatible Python virtual environment tools.

While conda also allows installing a specified Python version, venv requires that Python and Pip are already installed. Therefore, if conda is used, additional tools like pyenv are not necessary for managing Python versions. However, if venv is preferred, using tools like pyenv to install the required Python version is recommended.

Case: venv

The advantage of venv is that it keeps all project dependencies within your project folder and is part of python standard library. Please go to Fed-BioMed project root (Fed-BioMed) clone and execute following command.

cd <path-to-fedbiomed-clone>
python -m venv ./dev-env

The command above will generate dev-env folder in the project folder where all the project dependencies are kept.

To activate the environment you can execute the following command from project root directory.

source dev-env/bin/activate

You can also use default naming convention .venv for virtual environment name.

Case: Conda

conda can install Python version directly in the environment that is created. The command below will create a virtual environment and install the specified Python version.

conda create --name fedbiomed-dev python=3.10
conda activate fedbiomed-dev

Install Pdm

Once virtual environments are set PDM package manager can be installed via PyPI. It is also possible to install PDM globally for the Python version that is activated or base conda environment if conda is preferred as virtual environment manager.

pip install pdm

The command above will install PDM in the active conda environment or in active pyenv if it is used for managing Python versions.

NodeJS and yarn

Fed-BioMed Node GUI uses the ReactJS library for web development. The ReactJS application for the Fed-BioMed Node GUI requires Node.js and Yarn to be installed, both for development and to enable automatic building during the creation of the Fed-BioMed package.

Therefore, it is essential to have Node.js and Yarn installed on your system. Please follow the installation instructions for your operating system to install Node.js and Yarn.

Using PDM

PDM is a tool to manage dependencies of a Python project, and build the python package: - from pyproject.toml containing package source configuration, that is to say explicit instructions for build settings and dependencies - from pdm.lock containing package locked cache version, that is to say a precise resolution of the configuration in pyproject.toml Both are located in the root directory of the project.

Once PDM is installed, dependencies can be installed through the following command. It uses the existing pdm.lock to install dependencies for all Fed-BioMed components:

pdm install

This command will automatically detect the environment that used currently and install all dependencies in it. For example, if conda env is activated and there is no .venv folder in root directory of the project, all dependencies will be installed within the conda environment. However, if another virtual environment is activated, or if .venv folder is existing PDM will install dependencies within that environment.

If there is no virtual environment activated pdm will create a default virtual environment using python's virtualenv in .venv

To install dependencies for only some Fed-BioMed component (from researcher, gui, node) use:

pdm install -G researcher

Re-generate pdm.lock

For some reason you may want to remove and re-generate a new pdm.lock.

If there is no pdm.lock lock file when running pdm install, it first resolves all the dependencies defined in pyproject.toml and create a pdm.lock lock file.

If running pdm lock it only generates a new lock file, but does not perform the installation.


By default, the optional packages are not included in generated the pdm.lock file. These optional packages contain dependencies specific to each Fed-BioMed component. Use pdm install -G :all or pdm install -G researcher,node,gui or pdm lock -G :all to generate lockfile with dependencies for all components.

There are also other installation options such selection of specific groups or extra dependencies. Please see pdm install --help and pyproject.toml file for more information.

What about instant changes in source code?

PDM automatically adds package source to your environment that makes fedbiomed module accessible from Python interpreter. It also handles instant changes in the source code. If a new module is added or a module is edited PDM will automatically make changes available within the environment currently used. It means there is no need to install or rebuild fedbiomed package.


You should never install fedbiomed from pip in your development environment. This may interrupt to access current source code changes in your development environment.

Add new module

New packages can be added through pyproject.toml, or using the command pdm add. Please see pdm add --help for detailed usage instructions.

Once a new package added via pyproject.toml it may be required to run pdm lock -G :all to resolve the dependencies, then, execute pdm install to update packages and install missing ones.

For more

Please visit pdm documentation for more information and usage details.

Post actions

To verify your installation please run pytest tests and tox -r to make sure there is no missing module in your environment.

Development/Debugging for GUI

If you want to customize or work on user interface for debugging purposes, it is always better to use ReactJS in development mode, otherwise building GUI after every update will take a lot of time. To launch user interface in development mode first you need to start Flask server. This can be easily done with the previous start command. Currently, Flask server always get started on development mode. To enable debug mode you should add --debug flag to the start command.

fedbiomed node -p /path/to/my-node gui start --data-folder /path/to/my-node/data --debug
Important: Please do not change Flask port and host while starting it for development purposes. Because React (UI) will be calling localhost:8484/api endpoint in development mode.

The command above will serve the web application and the API services. It means that on the URL localhost:8484 you will be able to see the user interface. This user interface won't be updated automatically because it is already built. To have dynamic update for user interface you can start React with yarn start.

# use the python environment for [development](../docs/developer/
cd ${FEDBIOMED_DIR}/gui/ui
yarn start

After that if you go localhost:3000 you will see same user interface is up and running for development. When you change the source codes in ${FEDBIOMED_DIR}/gui/ui/src it will get dynamically updated on localhost:3000.

Since Flask is already started in debug mode, you can do your development/update/changes for server side (Flask) in ${FEDBIOMED_DIR}/gui/server. React part (ui) on development mode will call API endpoint from localhost:8484, this is why first you should start Flask server first.

After development/debugging is done. To update changes in built GUI, you need rebuild the React app. Afterwards, you will be able to see changes on the localhost:8484 URL which serve built UI files.

yarn build
fedbiomed node gui start --data-folder ../data


You may encounter some common issues during installation or after the installation due to some missing packages. Please visit troubleshooting dedicated page for common issues.

Error on MacOS/Ubuntu regarding pyenv usage:

  • _lzma module not found

    • If you are using MacOS and installing Python versions through pyenv you may have some missing packages in your environment. ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_lzma' is one of them. If you faced this error please install brew install xz, and reinstall python version pyenv install <version>.

    • If you are using Ubuntu or Debian based OS, and install python through pyenv, and get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_lzma' This could be fixed by using

      sudo apt install liblzma-dev

    • Other issues
    • For other issues, pyenv comes with an utility pyenv-doctor, made for checking pyenv installation and dependencies, and can be run with: pyenv doctor. It will try to find the issue with your installation and proposes appropriate solutions to your issue.

    More troubleshooting for pyenv can be found here.

Building Fed-BioMed Takes too Long

Some static files located in the root Fed-BioMed source directory (e.g., notebooks, tests, etc.) are also included in the final distribution. Therefore, having large data files or artifacts left from operations for testing and development purposes can increase the loading time. Please ensure that such data files are cleared before building the Fed-BioMed package to reduce build time.