Federated 2d XRay registration with MONAI¶
This tutorial shows how to deploy in Fed-BioMed the 2d image registration example provided in the project MONAI (https://monai.io/):
Being MONAI based on PyTorch, the deployment within Fed-BioMed follows seamlessly the same general structure of general PyTorch training plans.
Following the MONAI example, this tutorial is based on the MedNIST dataset>
Image Registration¶
Image registration is the process of transforming and recalibrating different images into one coordinate system. It makes possible to compare several images captured with the same modality.
In this tutorial, we are using a UNet-like registration network ( https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.01666 ). Goal of the notebook is to train a model given moving images and fixed images (recalibrated images).
Creating MedNIST nodes¶
MedNIST provides an artificial 2d classification dataset created by gathering different medical imaging datasets from TCIA, the RSNA Bone Age Challenge, and the NIH Chest X-ray dataset. The dataset is kindly made available by Dr. Bradley J. Erickson M.D., Ph.D. (Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic) under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
To proceed with the tutorial, we created an iid partitioning of the MedNIST dataset between 3 clients. Each client has 3000 image samples for each class. The training partitions are availables at the following link:
The dataset owned by each client has structure:
└── client_*/
├── AbdomenCT/
└── BreastMRI/
└── CXR/
└── ChestCT/
└── Hand/
└── HeadCT/
To create the federated dataset, we follow the standard procedure for node creation/population of Fed-BioMed.
we use the environment where Fed-BioMed node is installed
we create a first node by using the commands
fedbiomed node start
We then populate the node with the data of first client:
fedbiomed node dataset add
We select option 3 (images) to add MedNIST partition of client 1, by just picking the folder of client 1. We use mednist
as tag to save the selected dataset. We can further check that the data has been added by executing fedbiomed node dataset list
Following the same procedure, we create the other two nodes with the datasets of client 2 and client 3 respectively.
Running Fed-BioMed Researcher¶
We are now ready to start the researcher by using the environment where Fed-BioMed researcher is installed, and open the Jupyter notebook with fedbiomed researcher start
We can first query the network for the Mednist
dataset. In this case, the nodes are sharing the respective partitions using the same tag mednist
from fedbiomed.researcher.requests import Requests
from fedbiomed.researcher.config import config
req = Requests(config)
Create an experiment to train a model on the data found¶
The code for network and data loader of the MONAI tutorial can now be deployed in Fed-BioMed. We first import the necessary modules from fedbiomed
and monai
We can now define the training plan. Note that we use the standard TorchTrainingPlan
natively provided in Fed-BioMed. We reuse the MedNISTDataset
data loader defined in the original MONAI tutorial, which is returned by the method training_data
, which also implements the data parsing from the nodes dataset_path
. We should also properly define the training_routine
, following the MONAI tutorial. According to the MONAI tutorial, the model is the GlobalNet
and the loss is MSELoss
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.functional import mse_loss
from fedbiomed.common.training_plans import TorchTrainingPlan
from fedbiomed.common.logger import logger
from fedbiomed.common.data import DataManager
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from typing import Union, List
#from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
import monai
from monai.utils import set_determinism, first
from monai.transforms import (
from monai.data import DataLoader, Dataset, CacheDataset
from monai.config import print_config, USE_COMPILED
from monai.networks.nets import GlobalNet
from monai.networks.blocks import Warp
from monai.apps import MedNISTDataset
# Here we define the training plan to be used.
class MyMonaiTrainingPlan(TorchTrainingPlan):
def init_model(self, model_args = None):
model_= GlobalNet(
image_size=(64, 64),
in_channels=2, # moving and fixed
model_.warp_layer = Warp(3, "border")
model_.warp_layer = Warp("bilinear", "border")
return model_
def init_dependencies(self):
return ["import numpy as np",
"import monai",
"from torch.nn.functional import mse_loss",
"from monai.utils import set_determinism, first",
"from monai.transforms import (EnsureChannelFirstD,Compose,LoadImageD,RandRotateD,RandZoomD,ScaleIntensityRanged,EnsureTypeD,)",
"from monai.data import DataLoader, Dataset, CacheDataset",
"from monai.networks.nets import GlobalNet",
"from monai.config import USE_COMPILED",
"from monai.networks.blocks import Warp",
"from monai.apps import MedNISTDataset",]
def init_optimizer(self, optimizer_args):
lr = optimizer_args.get('lr', 1e-5)
return torch.optim.Adam(self.model().parameters(), lr)
def training_data(self):
# Custom torch Dataloader for MedNIST data
data_path = self.dataset_path
# The following line is needed if client structure does not contain the "/MedNIST" folder
MedNISTDataset.dataset_folder_name = ""
train_data = MedNISTDataset(root_dir=data_path, section="training", download=False, transform=None)
training_datadict = [
{"fixed_hand": item["image"], "moving_hand": item["image"]}
for item in train_data.data if item["label"] == 4 # label 4 is for xray hands
train_transforms = Compose(
LoadImageD(keys=["fixed_hand", "moving_hand"]),
EnsureChannelFirstD(keys=["fixed_hand", "moving_hand"]),
ScaleIntensityRanged(keys=["fixed_hand", "moving_hand"],
a_min=0., a_max=255., b_min=0.0, b_max=1.0, clip=True,),
RandRotateD(keys=["moving_hand"], range_x=np.pi/4, prob=1.0, keep_size=True, mode="bicubic"),
RandZoomD(keys=["moving_hand"], min_zoom=0.9, max_zoom=1.1,
monaiprob=1.0, mode="bicubic", align_corners=False),
EnsureTypeD(keys=["fixed_hand", "moving_hand"]),
train_ds = CacheDataset(data=training_datadict[:1000], transform=train_transforms,
cache_rate=1.0, num_workers=0)
dl = self.MednistDataLoader(train_ds)
return DataManager(dl, shuffle=True, num_workers=0)
def training_step(self, moving, fixed):
ddf = self.model().forward(torch.cat((moving, fixed), dim=1))
pred_image = self.model().warp_layer(moving, ddf)
loss = mse_loss(pred_image, fixed)
return loss
class MednistDataLoader(monai.data.Dataset):
# Custom DataLoader that inherits from monai's Dataset object
def __init__(self, dataset):
self.dataset = dataset
def __len__(self):
return len(self.dataset)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return (self.dataset[idx]["moving_hand"],
We now set the model and training parameters. Note that in this case, no model argument is required.
model_args = {}
training_args = {
'loader_args': { 'batch_size': 16, },
'epochs': 3,
'dry_run': False,
'batch_maxnum':250, # Fast pass for development : only use ( batch_maxnum * batch_size ) samples
'optimizer_args': {
'lr': 1e-5,
'use_gpu': True # Training on GPU
The experiment can be now defined, by providing the mednist
tag, and running the local training on nodes with training plan defined in training_plan_path
, standard aggregator
(FedAvg) and client_selection_strategy
(all nodes used). Federated learning is going to be perfomed through 5 optimization rounds.
from fedbiomed.researcher.federated_workflows import Experiment
from fedbiomed.researcher.aggregators.fedavg import FedAverage
tags = ['#MEDNIST']
rounds = 5
exp = Experiment(tags=tags,
Let's start the experiment.
By default, this function doesn't stop until all the round_limit
rounds are done for all the clients
Save trained model to file
Once the federated model is obtained, it is possible to test it locally on an independent testing partition. The test dataset is available at this link:
Following the Monai tutorial, in this section we will create a set of previously unseen pairs of moving vs fixed hands, and use the final federated model to predict the transformation between each pair.
!pip install matplotlib
!pip install gdown
import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Download the testing dataset on the local temporary folder.
import gdown
import zipfile
import tempfile
import os
from fedbiomed.researcher.config import config
tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=config.vars['TMP_DIR']+os.sep)
resource = "https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1YbwA0WitMoucoIa_Qao7IC1haPfDp-XD"
base_dir = tmp_dir.name
test_file = os.path.join(base_dir, "MedNIST_testing.zip")
gdown.download(resource, test_file, quiet=False)
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(test_file)
for file in zf.infolist():
zf.extract(file, base_dir)
data_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "MedNIST_testing")
We redefine our custom dataloader (defined previously in the TrainingPlan
from monai.data import DataLoader, CacheDataset
import monai
class MednistDataLoader(monai.data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, dataset):
self.dataset = dataset
def __len__(self):
return len(self.dataset)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return (self.dataset[idx]["moving_hand"],
Create the testing data loader and pairs of moving vs fixed hands:
# Use a GPU if you have one + enough memory available
#use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
#device = torch.device("cuda:0" if use_cuda else "cpu")
device = 'cpu'
# recreate model
model = GlobalNet(
image_size=(64, 64),
in_channels=2, # moving and fixed
warp_layer = Warp(3, "border").to(device)
warp_layer = Warp("bilinear", "border").to(device)
MedNISTDataset.dataset_folder_name = ""
test_data = MedNISTDataset(root_dir=data_dir, section="test", download=False, transform=None)
testing_datadict = [
{"fixed_hand": item["image"], "moving_hand": item["image"]}
for item in test_data.data if item["label"] == 4 # label 4 is for xray hands
test_transforms = Compose(
LoadImageD(keys=["fixed_hand", "moving_hand"]),
EnsureChannelFirstD(keys=["fixed_hand", "moving_hand"]),
ScaleIntensityRanged(keys=["fixed_hand", "moving_hand"],
a_min=0., a_max=255., b_min=0.0, b_max=1.0, clip=True,),
RandRotateD(keys=["moving_hand"], range_x=np.pi/4, prob=1.0, keep_size=True, mode="bicubic"),
RandZoomD(keys=["moving_hand"], min_zoom=0.9, max_zoom=1.1, prob=1.0, mode="bicubic", align_corners=False),
EnsureTypeD(keys=["fixed_hand", "moving_hand"]),
val_ds = CacheDataset(data=testing_datadict[:1000], transform=test_transforms,
cache_rate=1.0, num_workers=0)
val_dl = MednistDataLoader(val_ds)
val_loader = DataLoader(val_dl, batch_size=16, num_workers=0)
Create a model instance and assign to it the model parameters estimated at the last federated optimization round. Generate predictions of the transformation between pairs.
# extract federated model into PyTorch framework
model = exp.training_plan().model()
model.load_state_dict(exp.aggregated_params()[rounds - 1]['params'])
for moving, fixed in val_loader:
ddf = model(torch.cat((moving, fixed), dim=1))
pred_image = warp_layer(moving, ddf)
fixed_image = fixed.detach().cpu().numpy()[:, 0]
moving_image = moving.detach().cpu().numpy()[:, 0]
pred_image = pred_image.detach().cpu().numpy()[:, 0]
We can finally print some example of predictions from the testing dataset.
%matplotlib inline
batch_size = 10
plt.subplots(batch_size, 4, figsize=(12, 20))
for b in range(batch_size):
# moving image
plt.subplot(batch_size, 4, b * 4 + 1)
plt.title("moving image")
plt.imshow(moving_image[b], cmap="gray")
# fixed image
plt.subplot(batch_size, 4, b * 4 + 2)
plt.title("fixed image")
plt.imshow(fixed_image[b], cmap="gray")
# warped moving
plt.subplot(batch_size, 4, b * 4 + 3)
plt.title("predicted image")
plt.imshow(pred_image[b], cmap="gray")
plt.subplot(batch_size, 4, b * 4 + 4)
plt.title("error between predicted \nand fixed image")
plt.imshow(pred_image[b] - fixed_image[b], cmap="gray")