Network communication matrix

This page describes the network communications:

  • between the Fed-BioMed components (nodes, and researcher), aka application internal / backend communications
  • for user access to the Fed-BioMed components GUI
  • for Fed-BioMed software installation and docker image build

Communications between the components depend on the deployment scenario: with or without VPN/containers.

Network communications for the setup of host machines and the installation of software requirements are out of the scope of this document. Network communications necessary for the host machines to run (access to DNS, LDAP, etc.) regardless of Fed-BioMed are also out of the scope of this document. They are specific to system configuration and installation processes.


Fed-BioMed network communications basic principle is that all communications between components are outbound from one node to the researcher. There is no inbound communications to a node.

The exception to this principle are optional direct communications between the components for using the secure aggregation feature (eg. node/researcher to node/researcher communication for cryptographic material negotiation). The communications for crypto material are closed after the negotiation is completed and handle only secagg key negotiation requests.

Fed-BioMed provides some optional GUI for the node (node configuration GUI) and the researcher (Jupyter notebook and Tensorboard). By default, these GUI components are not secured (no HTTPS and/or no certificate signed by well known authority). So they are configured by default to accept only communications from the same machine (localhost).

Software installation

Network communications for software installation cover the Fed-BioMed software installation and setup until the software is ready to be used.

They cover all deployment scenarios. If multiple machines are used, each machine needs to authorize these communications.

  • direction is out (outbound communication from the component) or in (inbound communication to the component)
dir source machine destination machine destination port service
out component Internet TCP/80 HTTP
out component Internet TCP/443 HTTPS

"Component" is the node or researcher.

For destination machine, it is simpler to authorize outbound communications to all Internet addresses for the required ports during installation. Indeed, several packaging systems are used for installation, with no guarantee of stable IP address used by the packaging server:

  • For all deployment scenarios: conda, pip (all components) and yarn/npm (node GUI component) packages
  • Plus for VPN/containers scenarios: dockerhub images, apt apk and cargo packages, git over https cloning, wget and curl download

Note: when using a VPN/containers scenario, a site with very stringent requirements on node's communication can avoid authorizing the above communications for installation of the node components (node and gui). For that, it needs to build the components docker image on another machine (with the above filter), save the image, copy it to the node machine, load it on the node machine. This scenario is not fully packaged and documented by Fed-BioMed but you can find some guidelines here.

Running without VPN/containers


This part describes the communication matrix for running Fed-BioMed without VPN/containers:

  • The direction is out (outbound communication from the component) or in (inbound communication to the component)
  • Type of communication is either backend (between the application components) or user (user access to a component GUI). Command line user access to component from localhost are not noted here. GUI access are noted though recommended default configuration is to give access only from localhost
  • The status is either mandatory (needed to run Fed-BioMed) or optional (a Fed-BioMed experiment can run without this part)

On the node component (node + gui ):

dir source machine destination machine destination port service type status comment
out node researcher TCP/50051 gRPC/TLS backend mandatory node-researcher communications
out node other nodes + researcher TCP/14000+ MP-SPDZ backend optional secagg key negotation
in other nodes + researcher node TCP/14000+ MP-SPDZ backend optional secagg key negotation
in localhost gui TCP/8484 HTTP user optional node GUI
  • node and gui also need a shared filesystem, so they are usually installed on the same machine.
  • MP-SPDZ uses port TCP/14000 when one component runs on a machine. It also uses following port numbers when multiple components run on the same machine (one port per component).

On the researcher component (researcher):

dir source machine destination machine destination port service type status comment
in nodes researcher TCP/50051 gRPC/TLS backend mandatory node-researcher communications
out researcher nodes TCP/14000+ MP-SPDZ backend optional secagg key negotation
in nodes researcher TCP/14000+ MP-SPDZ backend optional secagg key negotation
in localhost researcher TCP/8888 HTTP user optional Jupyter
in localhost researcher TCP/6006 HTTP user optional Tensorboard

Running with VPN/containers


This part describes the communication matrix for running Fed-BioMed with VPN/containers:

  • The direction is out (outbound communication from the component) or in (inbound communication to the component)
  • Type of communication is either backend (between the application components) or user (user access to a component GUI). Command line user access to component from localhost are not noted here. GUI access are noted though recommended default configuration is to give access only from localhost
  • The status is either mandatory (needed to run Fed-BioMed) or optional (a Fed-BioMed experiment can run without this part)

On the node component (node + gui ):

dir source machine destination machine destination port service type status comment
out node vpnserver UDP/51820 WireGuard backend mandatory
in localhost gui TCP/8443 HTTPS user optional node GUI
  • node and gui also need a shared filesystem, so they are usually installed on the same machine.

On the researcher component (researcher):

dir source machine destination machine destination port service type status comment
out researcher vpnserver UDP/51820 WireGuard backend mandatory
in localhost researcher TCP/8888 HTTP user optional Jupyter
in localhost researcher TCP/6006 HTTP user optional Tensorboard

In this scenario, MP-SPDZ communication tunneled within the WireGuard VPN.